Hatha Yoga (Diana)

In the holistic approach of Yoga Philosophy, we find Asana - the third branch out of the 8, as Patanjali (the man who first put Yoga in writing thousands of years ago) indicated in Yoga Sutra. In order to transcend the limitations imposed by the senses and the never-ending thoughts vortex manufactured by the chitta | monkey mind, Hatha Yoga guides us to shift the energy flow from descending to ascending and to release on the physical level all the accumulated energetic blockages so that we can, through devotion and consistency, experience more refined states of consciousness. The body becomes the very first vehicle through which you experience on a practical level the Yoga teachings.

But mind and body are not separate entities. The grosser form of the mind is the body and the subtle form of the body is the mind. The mind and body alike hide tensions and bottlenecks of stagnant energy. Each tension accumulated on the mental layer has a physical correspondence and the other way around. Hatha Yoga helps to release this tension by somatically acting on the physical layer.

The Hatha Yoga class closely follows the teachings and techniques of traditional Hatha Yoga.

Nada Yoga (Diana)

Nada is the Yoga of vibration and sound.

Sound is an utterly powerful tool in pacifying the restless mind. In a Nada Yoga class we use sound as an instrument to influence the entire brain, body and mind. Starting from external layouts of the physical experience, we build the way through Nada Yoga towards inner sounds. The practice does not put a highlight on the physical flow of the body, but particularly guides towards pratyahara - sensorial withdrawal, dharana - capacity to holistically concentrate the mind on a single point and dhyana - the encompassing state of deep meditation.

Just as the body is made of flesh and blood, similarly chakras | energy vortexes inside physical body are constituted of sound, symbol and light. Hence, when sound attains a certain momentum of frequency, it influences the chakras. Therefore, Nada Yoga is an instrument in the awakening of the potential energy resting at the base of the spine.

Nada Yoga is extensively much more than a Yoga class combined with Sound bath even if during the class sound instruments will be used. Nada Yoga bridges the idea that mind is energy and energy appears as sound. If consciousness can become aware of that sound it will realize its own nature because ultimately the two forces - Shiva and Shakti | masculine and feminine - cannot be kept separate from each other.

Gong Bath (Diana)

A Gong Bath is a therapy using planetary gongs as main characters. A planetary gong is an instrument created on the frequency of a specific planet from the Solar System. As it is an idiophone instrument - which means once it is touched it produces sounds from its entire being without the intervention of an auxiliary tool - a gong has the tremendous capacity to transcend the barrier of the physical body and penetrate on a cellular level. A gong bath is based on the resonance principle - an energetically loaded entity wanting to touch and work on other entity made out of energy.

IMPORTANT: Please hydrate extensively before and after a Gong Bath session in order to prepare the body and mind to receive practice’s full benefits and to ground deep at a cellular level all its effects.

Somatic Yoga Flow (Dana)

A session bridging the scientific principles of physical movement with the ancient Yogic principles. The somatic approach of Yoga is designed to allow you to gently unlock tension, release stored emotions and cultivate deep awareness of the body, breath and mind.

Yoga of Relaxation (Remus)

Yoga is the science of relaxation. According to ancient scriptures and through ones own experience, one discovers traditional Yoga is simple, yet effective. In this class, relaxation is regarded as a complex concept and stands as the first and foremost benefit of the class. Intimately following the Indian teachings he experienced throughout his studies in the ashram, Remus invites you to explore relaxation through a traditional and unblemished approach.

Individual Yoga (Diana)

We live in a body which is faced on a daily basis with indiscretions. And as it is equipped with a wisdom which transcends our sensorial capacities, it stores the effects of all these indiscretions and it signals us in various ways that it needs our deepest care and love. But the mind, this monkey jumping from here to there, impatiently awaits the next plan, the next idea, the next activity, the next sensorial delight. Consequently, it feels like we are denying our own body & mind the opportunity to live in a more compassionate, aware manner.

A private Yoga class replies to this very invitation. In extension to a group class, we consider all the specifical individual imbalances and we told them on the most appropriate rhythm to support energetically restoration of the body - breath - mind - Soul. Vital force is brought back to a flowing state.

The Hatha Yoga private class closely follows the teachings and techniques from traditional Hatha Yoga.

For available time slots and bookings, please get in touch.

Yoga Nidra (Diana)

Yoga Nidra is a conscious relaxation technique derived from Tantra Yoga. Also known as “dynamic sleep” or “the yogi sleep”, Nidra (trans. sleep) is a systematized method that induces a profound relaxation on a physical, mental, and emotional level. At the borderline between the sleep state and active conscious state, Nidra steps in as a subconscious and unconscious dimension.

The fundamental feature of Yoga Nidra is the rotation of consciousness on the entire body. Gradually creating and following the roadmap of the practice invites the mind to disconnect from the sensorial information which, generally, restricts the relaxation capacity. When this state of allowing the tension to be released starts off, also there is an increase in receptivity.

Individual Sound Bath Massage (Diana)

A holistic relaxation method aimed to restore harmony and balance inside out as a matter of fact. Addressing both the sense of hearing and the sense of feeling, the harmonious sounds of gongs and tibetan bowls will guide towards emotional release of consciously and unconsciously accumulated low frequencies in body and mind. A soothing sense of deep relaxation is created clearing the path for lucidity of the mind and well-being of the body.

The Sound Bath Massage is rooted in ancient Indian knowledge about the effects of sound and frequencies.

For available time slots and bookings, please get in touch.