I am Diana, Yoga teacher and Gong Master. Also, the human behind Cub. I have always searched to reconnect elements of my own biography and to discover what’s the deal with me being born, what do I have to do in this world and how can I make the best out of it authentically and compassionately.
I travelled quite a lot very determined towards a direction which looked serene, and yet I felt the road is not mine to walk. On this road though I discovered Yoga. In the beginning without realizing what kind of effects it will produce in my life, I started to practice. On and off in the beginning and then I developed consistency. It took me some years to understand how innocent I was in this inquiry. How far I travelled to search myself, when, in fact, the answer lied down in my inside univers all along. And here the real journey actually started.
In the winter of 2022, after some years of practice, I pivoted and travelled to India, in an ashram (traditional Yoga school). There were valuable lessons hanging there in my karma and I refused to have a look at them until that point in time. There were also pending a lot of decisions which I delayed to include in my life. Gradually, the road felt like was indeed mine to walk this time, so I just kept going.
The decision to start teaching was an organic answer of the gratitude that I cultivate daily in my life. So was shaped the human who is continually learning how to live life beautifully and purposefully, but especially the woman to support this inquiry with kindness and unconditional love.
I am not an enthusiast of diplomas and titles, though I understand their necessity introduction wise. So here they are:
Yoga Teacher Training 200hrs in a Yoga school (ashram) at the Himalayan mountains foot - Yogada ashram, accredited by Yoga Alliance International, where I studied Hatha Yoga - Hindu filosophy and mithology, sacred Yoga texts, asana | physical posture, Pranayama and meditation techniques, Restorative Yoga, as well as foundations of Kundalini Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga
Restorative Yoga Teacher Training - accredited by Yoga Alliance YACEP
Yoga Nidra Teacher Training - accredited by Yoga Alliance YACEP
Gong Master Practitioner (Sound Therapy) - trained by Elisabeta Ghelber
Gong Masterclass with Don Conreaux (father of Planetary Gongs) and Yaelle Shaphir (his daughter) - in-depth knowledge practitioner level
Various Gong Masterclasses
Ayurveda explorer
I am Diana and before being a Yoga teacher I am a woman who sees Yoga as an extensive act of presence in our life. Because Yoga is not only a philosophy or a technique, it is everything we consciously experience on this road we call “life”.
Cub is a Yoga studio. It is designed as an exploration, knowledge and development hub offering Yoga as the main instrument for growth through self-inquiry.
Yoga is a technology which suggests a multi-dimensional approach for growth of the human being. Consequently, as an organic answer, Yoga serves as the heat point here at Cub, allowing though the space for curiosity and a holistic experience of self-development.
Cub appeared as a natural effect of wanting to share with all curious and eager to grow through their own capacity kind of people out there the teachings derived from Yoga pshilosophy and practice. It is designed to be an inclusive space, which promotes self-knowledge as vital element for development.
Here, at Cub, I propose to you to respect Mother Nature’s immense wisdom. So I made the first step in trying to humbly and gratefully bow in front of Her and this is why the space is made up for as much as possible with environmental friendly items, which constantly remind us that we, humans, are build out of the exactly the same 5 primordial elements out of which Mother Nature herself is made of: fire, air, ether, earth, water.
Cub Yoga Studio is a natural expression of loving the truth through knowledge derived from an authentic self-observation. At Cub happens the growth, the elemental alchemy, as in a lab where you prep the essence, so that afterwards the beauty of the experience to be imprinted out there in the world, via everything we do. Exactly as the science invites to experiment, so Cub Yoga Studio invites to experience.
Valuying the privilege of being alive and able to know shades of suffering and joy alike, Cub promotes the restoration of harmony between body - breath - mind - soul. Thus, we take care of various aspects which target the physical well-being, as well as the harmony of the internal universe through psycho-informational rearrangement. This is why the studio offers regular Yoga classes, all derived from Hatha Yoga philosophy, as well as a lot of other extra-curricular events designed for self-actualization and growth.
The studio is equipped with all the necessary accesories for an extensive, breathable Yoga experience: qualitative Yoga mats, blocks, meditation cushions, bolsters, eye covers for deep relaxation practices.

Where to find Cub
Address: 43A Pache Protopopescu Boulevard
Mark: Mega Image (the access door is on the right side of the store)
Phone: 0729911982
E-mail: contact@cubyogastudio.com